The adoption process is one that many people view as highly complicated and full of intricate wording and decisions. While this is not untrue, having the help of an adoption attorney in Palm Harbor can make the process much more seamless and simple than going it alone. As a process that is rooted deeply in legal terms and conditions, adopting is something you want to approach with complete certainty and understanding.
Who Can Adopt in Florida?
If you are a Florida resident who lives and works in the state, an adult, and have the ability to provide for, nurture, and care for a child, then you have the potential to adopt. In general, it does not matter if you are single, married, have other children, or have never been a parent. Even same-sex couples are eligible to be adoptive parents in Florida cities like Tampa and Palm Harbor. Once you have legally adopted a child with the assistance of an adoption attorney, they are yours to care for financially, educationally, medically, and more. You have all of the same obligations as if they were your biological child.
What Kinds of Adoptions are Available in Florida?
The State of Florida currently sponsors four different kinds of adoptions:
Entity/Agency: The most commonly known, an agency facilitates the adoption of a child by connection adoptees and adopters.
Step-Parent: The step-parent of a child can legally adopt them to make them a legal part of the family even though they are not biologically related.
Relative/Grandparent: When a mother or father is unable to care for a child, a close relative (most often a grandparent) can adopt the child and assume the role of parent.
Adult: An adult can adopt another adult with their consent.
Legally, consent is required for the process to go through, whether that is given by the biological parent or determined by the court. Having an adoption attorney on your side in Palm Harbor can make this process more straightforward and less stressful.
Can an Adoption Attorney Guarantee That I’ll Get a Child?
While there is no way that anyone can guarantee that an adoption will go through — often, wait lists are years long and require patience and opportunity, and even then, circumstances arise that can cause the process to fall through — having an adoption attorney helping you will greatly reduce snags and hold-ups in the process. Often, legal barriers such as improperly filed paperwork, delayed background checks, and more can slow down the process. With a lawyer in Palm Harbor who is ready to advocate for you, you can relax knowing that you are doing everything you can to make sure that the process is successful.
Call Adoption Attorney Julie Beth Jouben, P.A.
At the law firm of Julie Beth Jouben, P.A. we have been assisting Palm Harbor clients with their family, immigration, and marital law needs for years. The process of adopting a child into your family can be a stressful, confusing one, and having an adoption professional by your side through the journey can lighten the burden on you greatly. For more answers to frequently asked questions or to schedule a consultation with an adoption attorney, call us today at our office.